The Nature of Energy
Check out the latest installment from UBCF and UWHA! Thought Leader Dr. Darren Weissman! In his latest post, Dr. D discusses seasonal changes and living an optimally healthy, balanced, and purposeful life. Bellow is a snippet of the article. Read the full post at our sister project, the United Women’s Health Alliance! (UWHA!) blog.
Are you aware that each and every emotion (e~motion) you experience becomes a unique chemistry in your body? Moment to moment, our individual and collective cells experience the blood pressure, sleep patterns, immunity, and muscle tone of anger and anxiety, joy and gratitude, sadness and despair, hope and compassion, jealousy and loneliness, or courage and confidence. Our emotional flow can be as predictable or unpredictable as the weather. We can shift from sunny blue skies to thunderstorms in a heartbeat based upon our perception.
Emotional patterns go on all day long, day after day, week after week, month after month, season after season, and year after year. The ability to shift your mindset and thus your emotional lens can be the difference between a strong or weak immune system, marriage, or will power to move forward being true to your highest and best self. Based upon the tools you possess to process your emotions will result in being stuck and stressed or in the flow.
Read the entire article!