“The picture follows a young man and aspiring filmmaker taking care of his ailing mother who recently suffered a stroke. After losing his job, he finds work as a driver for a local man who is being treated for breast cancer, and who is determined to get to his daughter’s wedding.” The feature film drama The Lovely Patient will be released on DVD and VOD on February 17, 2015. For more information on the film, visit www.wwmpc.com
Here at UBCF, we are determined to spreading awareness that a breast cancer diagnosis is possible for men as well as women. According to the National Cancer Institute, 2,360 men were diagnosed with breast cancer and 430 men died of male breast cancer in 2014. One reason for the high mortality rate for men is that often, they are not encouraged by health professionals to be screened or self-examine their breast tissue. UBCF would like to encourage all men to be routinely screened by a doctor. UBCF would also like to restate that all of our services are available to men and we wholeheartedly support the cause that The Lovely Patient is shedding light on.